Thursday, May 24, 2012

Readings 5/23

                 I really like the poem, :Height and Deep Song". At first, this poem did not make much sense to me but as I continued to read into it I kind of came up with my own assumption as to what it meant. I thought that it meant that maybe someone (being a mother) was about to commit suicide by jumping off of a ledge and that people below were crying and screaming for her not to jump. I thought that she was pregnant because of the line," scramble of birth spill". The phrase that says,"the body arrives screaming", made me think of the mother committing suicide and her newborn baby surviving. 
                 I also liked the poem 'Beauty's Standing. This poem made several references to nature, Civil rights, racism, and political matters. It was interesting when it talked about violence for no apparent reason. In part of the poem it talks about a ghost haunting the house of someone that was given, " a beating with no apparent reason". This was disturbing to me because violence happens all the time for no apparent reason especially in the African American Community. In the poem, it also says,"Who this time" which makes me think that this kind of thing happens all the time.
                In the poem," Place lit by the window" it seems that part of it is being spoken from inside of a subway car. It talks alot about light vs. darkness. I like the way the words are written with details so you can imagine what kind of image is being displayed such as, "naked socket hanging from the ceiling, a sperm shape" this really jumped out to me and made me picture an actually socket that is hanging from the ceiling and how this might look. The poem also talks alot about bootstraps and pulling yourself up from the bottom up. Meaning when things go bad, pick up your chin and keep it moving. 

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